Appunti sull'analisi di testi poetici - Alcuni suggerimenti che ho elaborato sull'analisi di testi poetici
Poems (collection of poems (mostly 19th and 20th century British poetry))
Notes on rhetoric - Notes assembled by me based on various sources dealing with versification, meter, rhetoric
Analysis and translation of Stevie Smith's poem "Not Waving But Drowning" - Gabriele Poole
Thomas Hardy
William Butler Yeats
Rupert Brooke
Wilfred Owen
Stevie Smith
Robert Frost
Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening
T. S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
W. H. Auden
Control of the passes was, he saw, the key
Letter to Lord Byron (first 8 stanzas)
In Memory of W. B. Yeats
Dylan Thomas
And Death Shall Have No Dominion
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Philip Larkin
Fleur Adcock
The Ex-Queen Among the Astronomers